Premium tocotrienols: a form of Vitamin E that supports cardiovascular, cholesterol, and metabolic health.
Pure Tocotrienols
Latest News
Tocotrienols May Have Protective Effect on Liver in NAFLD Patients
Hadley, Massachusetts (February 8, 2023) – Delta-tocotrienol from annatto downregulated gene expressions associated with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in patients. Supplementing with annatto-derived tocotrienols branded as DeltaGold® by American River Nutrition was linked with a significant reduction of miRNAs related to
Support Cardiovascular Health*
DeltaGold® supports healthy blood lipid metabolism and a healthy inflammatory response*.
Support Metabolic Health*
Support Bone Health*
Tocotrienols have been studied in a human clinical trial of post-menopausal osteopenia subjects and reductions in bone loss were observed. [Note: 3]
Support Skin Health*
In studies, supplementation of tocotrienols before exposure to radiation protected mice against injury by reducing inflammation and improving the skin’s ability to regenerate. [Note: 4] In clinical trials, Vitamin E has been shown to improve healing from burns through the use of topical creams that penetrate easily and increase healing responses. [Note: 5]
Qureshi, A.A., et al., Dose-dependent modulation of lipid parameters, cytokines, and RNA by delta-tocotrienol in hypercholesterolemic subjects restricted to AHA Step-1 diet. Brit J of Med & Med Res, 2015. 6(4): p. 351-366.
Pervez, M.A., et al., Effects of Delta-tocotrienol Supplementation on Liver Enzymes, Inflammation, Oxidative stress and Hepatic Steatosis in Patients with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. Turk J Gastroenterol, 2018. 29(2): p. 170-176
Shen, C.L., et al., Tocotrienol supplementation suppressed bone resorption and oxidative stress in postmenopausal osteopenic women: a 12-week randomized double-blinded placebo-controlled trial. Osteoporos Int, 2018. 29(4): p. 881-891.
Ghosh, S.P., et al., Gamma-tocotrienol, a tocol antioxidant as a potent radioprotector. Int J Radiat Biol, 2009. 85(7): p. 598-606.
Pereira, G.G., et al., Polymeric films loaded with vitamin E and aloe vera for topical application in the treatment of burn wounds. Biomed Res Int, 2014. 2014: p. 641590.
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